Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, general SEO can help you improve your website’s ranking and reach. Discover the best practices, tools, and strategies from the leading SEO experts.
Numbers (and people) can definitely misrepresent the truth. In the content marketing world, we see a lot of misleading statistics attempting to build trust with audiences. Even scarier, a lot of content producers don’t even realize they’re doing it. In this post, I use Google Trends to illustrate why critical thinking should be applied before you “trust“ data.
Google recently announced that they will be supporting the new How-To & FAQ structured data markup within Google Search. While implementing FAQ structured data may not lead to higher ranking positions, it can lead to capturing more visual real estate, leading to a higher click-through rate.
When it comes to competitive niches in SEO, food blogging is often at the top. With so many similar recipes, guides and tutorial videos, the competition is fierce. If you are hoping to rank well in the food blogger industry, there is one go-to-expert you have to talk to, Casey Markee.
Breaking into China’s vast online consumer market, secured behind the Great Firewall of China, may seem like an impossible undertaking. While it is challenging, this guide to establishing a web presence in the country, including best practices for SEO for its dominant search engine, Baidu, will help you in getting your digital marketing campaign underway to tap into this large and growing market.
Understanding and matching the searcher‘s intent has become fundamental for SEOs. This article focuses on how to identify intent by dissecting queries into their component parts, to glean meaning and segment queries by intent stage. This is the first of three articles in this series.
This article offers some of the most common issues and ways to fail at International SEO and explains how you can avoid them. The lack of expertise, in regards to the above elements, is why it is not that uncommon to see international SEO processes with a variety of issues, many of which can cause a sub-optimal user experience, and the failure to obtain the desired results.