Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, general SEO can help you improve your website’s ranking and reach. Discover the best practices, tools, and strategies from the leading SEO experts.
Do you suspect that your sales page leaves people cold? Do you think nobody’s reading your content — or, at the very least, they’re ignoring your Call to Action (CTA) buttons? Are the images on your website turning visitors off — or confusing them?
User experience is a big deal, but the problem is that most sites provide a related posts widget that shows mostly irrelevant content. And that’s about as far as they go — everything is top-level and aimed at the average user.
Companies with global aspirations need to address China and her biggest search engine. Baidu‘s increasingly varied and sophisticated offerings allow us to gain a glimpse into the priorities and thought processes around search in China.
Once every so often, the SEO world is subject to a major shift that shakes its virtual tectonic plates to the core. In January this year, the tremor of this impending quake went unnoticed. This was characterized by a change in the foundational basis of SEO best practices internationally.
Is a .COM domain really the best choice for international targeting? Can a local TLD rank as well abroad as at home? Can a domain rank well internationally even when we don’t use ccTLDs? Read on to find out about the most frequent misconceptions concerning domain names and international SEO.
As a former customer support specialist, I understand the most commonly asked questions by customers. One of these repeated questions was about the traffic graph. “Where did this huge dip/spike come from?” You would constantly monitor the traffic for a particular domain and out of nowhere this huge dip occurs in the graph. You prepare for the worst.