Expand Your Brand Reach and Get Inbound Leads
for Your Digital Agency

Set up your agency profile and get matched with business owners and executives looking to hire expert help for their marketing projects.

Agency Partners platform is part of the Agency Growth Kit

Explore all features

What’s included


Verified branded profile

Set up your page in under 15 minutes to drive website traffic and get RFPs. Verification is on us.


Lead platform

Qualify leads faster with express visibility analysis. Schedule discovery calls via instant messaging.


Tracking tools

Easily measure the profile performance and get tips on improving its visibility with the online dashboard.

See Real Examples of Lead Requests

“There was already a level of trust because we were listed as a Semrush Agency Partner, and the efforts for closure were very low. I feel it is easier to close a lead that gets generated. ”

Mohit Sareen

Founder & CEO, Cheenti Digital LLC

Ensure Your Agency’s Online Visibility

Get found on Google by your future clients

Publish your dedicated agency page on Semrush's high-authority domain, showcase your expertise and portfolio, and let clients find you and get the help they need for their business.

Market your agency via the platform

Add your clients’ success stories and awards, and get featured on the main page for maximum visibility.

Be seen in Semrush’s marketing channels

Benefit from featuring your agency in our own and paid marketing channels—including emails, social media, product hints, and a lot more.


marketers worldwide have already used Semrush. Become an Agency Partner and access this global community of potential clients!

Getting Started Is Easy

Create your agency profile

  • Talk about your agency, what you offer, and what you focus on by filling in a simple form.
  • Showcase your previous clients and industry awards, and add examples of your work to make it easier for platform users who see your profile to make a decision.

Land new inbound leads

  • No spam—we only accept requests from registered users.
  • Incoming requests will be displayed in your account, and you will also get an email alert.

Get the ball rolling

  • Add leads that seem promising to Semrush CRM to keep things organized.
  • Easily set up a Semrush project to conduct a 360º audit of their online performance and locate opportunities for growth.

Join the Semrush Agency Partners Platform

Get listed among the industry leaders, generate quality leads, and promote your digital agency

Agency Partners platform is part of the Agency Growth Kit

Explore all features

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I list my agency on the platform?

What are the benefits of the Agency Growth Kit?

What is Agency Score?

How can I increase my Agency Score?

How can I make sure that my Agency Score will be high enough?

What are the benefits of being listed on the platform?

How do you promote the platform to ensure Agency Partners get enough leads?

Do I need to get certified?

Who is eligible to join the platform? Are we a good fit?